Second event takes place in the first week of June ..
TS2 – Part 1(1/6/2021)
09.15 Welcome
Haakon Lund, UCPH
09:30 Introduction to scientific paper writing
Mathias Stolpe, DTU
Jakob Mann, DTU
10:45 Introduction to research metrics
Grischa Fraumann, UCPH
12:30 Open science tools related to publication
Falco Hüser, Royal Library
13:30 Preparation for day 2
14:15 Break
14:30 Funding and Responsible Metrics
Marianne Gauffriau, Royal Library
TS2 – Part 2a (2/06/2021)
09:15 Welcome, house rules, agenda
Lorna Wildgaard, Royal Library
09:20 Introduction to literature reviews & the systematic method
10:30 Break
10:45 Quality of Evidence
11:30 Lunch
12.15 Search standards, design & considerations
13.30 Break
13.45 Documenting and reporting the search, screening tools & reference management
14.40 Break
14.50 Protocol & registration
15.10 Wrapping up and homework
15.20 Break
15.30 Introduction to machine-actionable (meta)data and associate open-source tooling
Nikola Vasiljevic, DTU Wind
TS2 – Part 2b (2 – 9/6 2021)
Project work home assignment
All ESRs
TS2 – Part3 (9/6/2021)
09.15 Diversity Issues in Engineering and Science
10.00 Break
10.15 Past, Present, Future of Wind Energy
Henrik Stiesdal, Stiesdal A/S
11.15 Break
11.30 Student groups - discuss about the future of wind energy
All ESR’s Moderated by Tuhfe Göcmen, DTU Wind and Haakon Lund, UCPH
12.15 Lunch
12.45 Student presentations of their systematic literature review - projects I
All ESR’s
13.45 Break
14.00 Student presentations of their systematic literature review - projects II
15.00 Wrap-up